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Welcome to our Website

Mitzvah Ministries, Inc., is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together in community as a congregation, to function as a part of the universal church.  We are joined not by physical proximity but by our shared belief in Jesus Christ.  We are one Church in multiple locations across the U.S.  We are a church for the 22nd century. Through the medium of the internet, Mitzvah Ministries, Inc., provides a context wherein believers can corporately worship God, observe the ordinances of the church, engage the Scriptures, grow and develop as disciples and demonstrate the love of God to the world through our praxis - our good works; biblical stewardship of our money; support of just causes and social justice.

Dedicated to the work of the kingdom through acts of service and commitment to just causes


spiritual disciplines,  & bible engagement; worship

& prayer

Living our lives in harmony with the fruit of the Holy Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness and faith

Following the Great Commandment

Careful stewards spending our money and supporting those organizations 

where it will do the most good

A community of believes of all persuasions where all are welcome

A community of believes without

affect or pretense, intent on returning

to the essence of being a Christian - following the way of Jesus

You don't have to "go" to church to


We are not building fiefdoms, or investing in buildings, we are building disciples

as we create a movement, a force for good in the world!

Are you ready to actually do something to transform someone's life?  Join us.  It's as simple as sending an email to us.  Or, for more information, contact us at:

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